

奥古斯塔学生协会(ASA) 是学生群体的声音吗. ASA membership includes all full- and part-time 学生 at the university. ASA works in cooperation with the Augustana University Board of Trustees, 政府, faculty and staff to tackle tough issues from academic accreditation and policy developments to building and grounds issues. ASA oversees a substantial annual budget that funds on-campus organizations, 维京人的日子, 俱乐部体育, 音乐会, 演讲嘉宾, 娱乐和更多.

ASA is organized into two branches: an executive and legislative branch.


行政部门包括四名民选官员(总统), 副总统, treasurer and secretary) and one appointed officer (technical director).

图(从左至右):斯莱特·迪克森, secretary; Azam Shaik, treasurer; Henry Sule, 副总统; 劳伦 Teller, president; Prince Adhikari, 技术总监.




立法- ASA参议院

立法部门, 也就是ASA学生会, is made up of elected senators who represent the student body's diverse constituencies: academic classifications (first-year 学生, 二年级的学生, 大三和大四学生), 国际学生, 成人学习者, 系统上的非支配性(詹金斯, 2018)组织和广大学生团体.

的 ASA Senate is divided into six standing committees: finance, human & 公共关系,课程,联合课程,住房 & 餐饮和多样性.



的 ASA Co-课程 Committee is focused on improving the well-being of the Augustana University community by expanding the resources available to 学生 on campus. 的 committee’s main areas of focus are 学生’ health and well-being, as well as improving and supporting extracurricular resources and organizations on campus. Some notable past projects include proposing legislation as a part of ASA’s Reproductive 健康 & 教育计划, 包括安装月经用品吗, B计划和校园里的安全套售货机.

图(从左至右):艾比·艾伦, committee chair; Jose Serna; Gabi Jancikova; Anna Pirrung; Patrick Ethniphong.



的 ASA 课程 Committee advocates for 学生' academic needs and works to improve their learning experience. 的 committee’s projects have included the Syllabus Repository and 教师 Appreciation Week. Three 课程 Committee members also sit on the Undergraduate 课程 Council, 他们在哪里代表学生对课程变化的看法, 新项目和课程的其他变化.

Pictured (left to right): Sasha Kistanova; Schaler Starks; Amy Kim, committee chair; Demeter Walkins; Raleigh Lunderman.



多样性、股票 & 社会正义

多样性、公平性 & 社会正义 Committee serves as ASA ambassadors for the Augustana Office of Diversity & 包容. 这个委员会处理各种各样的事务, 公平与包容, 并放大系统地非支配者的声音(詹金斯), 2018年)和国际学生 to encour年龄 and welcome diversity on campus. This committee serves to educate the campus community about diversity issues on and off campus and seeks to provide a safe space for 系统上的非支配性(詹金斯, 2018年)和国际学生. 的 committee also provides a platform for discussing such issues and working towards concrete solutions relating to social justice concerns raised by ASA Senators, 学生, 教员和/或职员. 另外, 所有亲和组织,包括非洲学生会, 亚洲学生组织, 黑人学生会, 性别 & 性联盟, La Unión Hispana, 更好的在一起, Muslim Student Association and Augustana International Club fall under the support the committee provides.

Pictured (left to right): John James; Beatrice Anyim; JayVian Farr, committee chair; Hawi Meshessha; Tom King; Susana Gebrekidan (not pictured).




ASA财务委员会的职责包括.)它将审查, discuss and advise the ASA Senate on matters pertaining to the budget. 2.)会的, 要求, meet with any leader of a student group for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to, 但不限于, 以下内容:筹款, 计划活动, 服务的机会, 设定目标, 总体规划和资金问题. 3.)它将审查, discuss and advise the ASA Senate on amendments to the ASA Constitution, 附例及选举守则. 4.)它将审查, discuss and advise the ASA Senate on resolutions emanating from the ASA 学生生活 Advisory Council.

Pictured (left to right): Julian Ruano; Domanic Dick; Azam Shaik, committee chair; Noah Everson; Vedant Thakkar.



房屋的可持续发展 & 餐厅

ASA住房可持续性 & 餐厅 Committee serves to uphold sustainable policies while working closely with Sodexo and 校园 Life to find solutions in the area of housing and dining.

Pictured (left to right): Lydia Valenzuela Rylassarsdam; Annie Johnston, committee chair; Sophie Johnson; Carson Steichen (not pictured).

ASA可持续发展,住房 & 餐饮委员会2023-24

人类 & 公共关系

ASA人类 & 公共资源委员会&PR) is primarily tasked with communicating all the great work ASA does in the senate to the campus community. ASA’s Instagram account, @奥吉studassoc, is the primary way this is done. ASA推广其会议, 倡议和活动, and tries to share important announcements from other student organizations through Instagram stories. H&PR also helps with business related to people: appointing new senators to vacant positions and interviewing student leaders for 维京人的日子, 欢迎周和UBG.

Pictured (left to right): Mariya Mamman; Manav Patel; Em Powers, committee chair; Prince Adhikari; Julie Seeley.


ASA人类 & 公共资源委员会2023-24




詹金斯,D. (2018). 重新思考权力的关键镜头, Privilege and Inequity Langu年龄: “Systemically Dominant” and “Systemically Non-Dominant.共享火焰有限责任公司:华盛顿州卡马斯.



的 奥古斯塔学生协会(ASA) honored three professors with the ASA 教师 of the Year Award on Monday, 4月29日. 的 award is given annually for excellence in teaching and distinguished service to the 学生 of Augustana University. 还有给教授写感谢信, ASA asks fellow 学生 to nominate their favorite AU faculty member for the awards. 

奥古斯塔学生协会(ASA) President 劳伦 Teller ‘24 and Vice President Henry Sule ‘24 have different backgrounds and nearly opposite Augustana stories. 这些差异, 虽然, 使他们的伙伴关系和管理更加牢固, 因为这对搭档关注的是透明度和联系.

Three years before they were elected 奥古斯塔学生协会(ASA) president and 副总统 and six years before they said “I do,“Drs. Katelyn (Graber) ‘18 and Luke Hurley ‘18 met for the first time in 2014.